The GTA 6 Delay: What Ex-Rockstar Devs Are Saying

Published: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 17:21:58 GMT

The GTA 6 Delay: What Ex-Rockstar Devs Are Saying

So, here’s the scoop: If you’re holding your breath for GTA 6, you might want to exhale slowly. According to some insider chatter, a decision on whether we’ll see a delay for Rockstar’s next big hit might not be made until May 2025. Yep, you read that right—2025!

An ex-Rockstar developer recently dropped this bombshell, and it’s got everyone buzzing. Apparently, Rockstar is in no rush to announce anything concrete about the release date. With their reputation for pushing out blockbuster games that are worth the wait, it seems they’re taking their sweet time to ensure GTA 6 lives up to the hype.

So, what does this mean for us gamers? It’s a mixed bag. On one hand, more time could mean a polished, glitch-free experience (fingers crossed!). On the other, it means we might have to hang tight for a bit longer before diving into the next chapter of the Grand Theft Auto saga.

In the meantime, all we can do is keep our eyes peeled and our expectations in check. Who knows, maybe the delay will be worth it for the incredible game Rockstar promises us. Stay tuned and keep your controllers ready!

Tags: gta 6
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