Rumor: New Assassin’s Creed Multiplayer Game Inspired by Fall Guys - What to Expect

Published: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 10:01:13 GMT

Rumor: New Assassin’s Creed Multiplayer Game Inspired by Fall Guys - What to Expect

So, there’s a wild rumor flying around, and trust me, it’s something you'd never expect. Apparently, Ubisoft might be mixing one of its biggest franchises with the most chaotic multiplayer game out there—Fall Guys. Yes, you heard that right. Assassin’s Creed and Fall Guys, a crossover no one asked for but now... kinda curious about?

What’s the Deal with Assassin's Creed Invictus?

Alright, so here’s what’s cooking. Ubisoft’s working on a multiplayer Assassin’s Creed game with the code name Invictus. Sounds intense, right? Well, here’s the twist—according to a leaker, it’s got some Fall Guys flavor sprinkled into it. We're talking about a round-based format where 16 players compete in different types of gameplay rounds, and it's not just about sneaky assassinations anymore.

Ezio Meets Cesare in a Wild Arena?

Get this: Ezio Auditore—the golden boy of the Assassin's Creed series—and his nemesis Cesare Borgia are among the rumored playable characters. Imagine running around historical maps like Baghdad from Mirage, or even Pompeii before it’s wiped off the map, with other iconic franchise characters. Ubisoft is really pulling out all the stops for nostalgia points here. 🤩

What Kind of Gameplay Are We Talking About?

So, the rumor suggests this will be more than just your classic stab-and-hide gameplay. We might see team deathmatches, free-for-all fights, and checkpoint races. Think Fall Guys’ round-based eliminations but with some serious Animus training vibes—because it’s all about unlocking your ancestors' skills. You know, Templars doing Templar things.

Could This Actually Work?

I mean, Assassin’s Creed x Fall Guys? 😅 It’s definitely a bold move. The idea of running around in a Brotherhood-style Animus simulation while pulling off races and deathmatches with 15 other people sounds wild, but it could be exactly the kind of fresh twist Ubisoft needs for the franchise.

Should We Be Excited?

Well, it’s still just a rumor. Ubisoft hasn’t confirmed anything yet, and there’s no official announcement. So, let’s not get our hidden blades in a twist just yet. But if this rumor holds, we might be looking at a totally new way to play Assassin’s Creed. And honestly, after so many games, shaking things up sounds like a good time.


Whether you’re excited or confused about the idea of Assassin’s Creed inspired by Fall Guys, one thing’s clear: Ubisoft’s not afraid to get creative. And hey, we’ve got nothing to lose but a few virtual rounds, right?

What do you think? Are you ready to race Ezio across Pompeii, or is this one rumor that needs to stay in the shadows?

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