PlayStation 6 Rumors: Could Sony Be Working on Two Consoles?

Published: Fri, 20 Sep 2024 08:21:15 GMT

PlayStation 6 Rumors: Could Sony Be Working on Two Consoles?

Okay, brace yourself, because there are rumors flying around that Sony is developing two chipsets for the PlayStation 6. Yup, two! This could mean we’re getting something special alongside the next-gen PS6. And by something special, I mean a new PlayStation handheld. If this is true, we could see it launch right alongside the PS6. Imagine that!

PS6: Still Years Away, But Rumors Are Heating Up

Now, the PS6 isn't dropping anytime soon. We're looking at a 2027-2028 release window at the earliest (according to some juicy court docs from Microsoft's legal battle over Activision Blizzard). But despite being years away, Sony's hard at work. The most interesting part? Reports say Sony locked down a deal with AMD back in 2022 to handle the PS6's chipset. And guess what? Backwards compatibility seems to be a top priority this time around. Finally, right?

Two Chipsets: Console + Handheld?

So, what’s the deal with these two chipsets? Well, rumors from insider KeplerL2 suggest there’s something big brewing. There’s speculation it could mean we’re getting a PlayStation 6 and a separate handheld console—think a hybrid launch, like a home console and a handheld combo. Or, it could be a "Series X/S" kind of situation, but let's be real, Sony probably won’t pull an Xbox move with a weaker, budget version of the PS6. Not after seeing how developers dragged the Xbox Series S for causing headaches with game optimization.

The Handheld Craze: Sony's Next Move?

Now, handheld consoles? They're back in the spotlight, thanks to the Nintendo Switch and Steam Deck. And if the reports are true, Sony's paying close attention. The handheld market is booming—with the rumored Switch 2, the Steam Deck successor, and even whispers of a next-gen Xbox handheld. Sony’s probably thinking, “Why not us?” It’s like the handheld wars are back on, and PlayStation might just rejoin the fight.

Affordable PS6 Handheld? Maybe.

Here’s the kicker: one of the two chipsets could be for an “affordable” handheld PlayStation. Yeah, you read that right—affordable. So, while the PS6 is likely to be a beast of a machine, we could also see a cheaper, more portable option on the side. If that happens, Sony would be dropping not one, but two shiny new toys for us.

Final Thoughts: PS6 + Handheld Hype?

Are we really getting a handheld PlayStation alongside the PS6? Well, it’s all rumors right now, so take it with a pinch of salt. But with handheld gaming hotter than ever and Sony staying quiet about their plans, it’s starting to look like something big is on the horizon. Let’s just hope we don’t have to wait until 2027 to find out!


1. When is the PlayStation 6 releasing?
According to rumors, Sony is aiming for a 2027-2028 launch window.

2. Will the PS6 be backwards compatible?
Yes! Reports say Sony is focusing on backwards compatibility for the PS6.

3. What's the deal with the two chipsets?
It’s speculated that Sony could be working on a PS6 console and a separate handheld, or maybe a budget version of the PS6 (though unlikely).

4. Will there be a PlayStation handheld?
Rumors suggest a new PlayStation handheld could launch alongside the PS6, but nothing's confirmed yet.

5. Why is a budget PS6 unlikely?
Sony has always aimed to keep things developer-friendly, and after seeing the struggles with the Xbox Series S, a budget PS6 doesn’t seem like their style.

Tags: ps6
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