PlayStation 5 vs. PlayStation 4: A Sales Comparison of Two Gaming Giants

Published: Sat, 17 Aug 2024 13:59:55 GMT

PlayStation 5 vs. PlayStation 4: A Sales Comparison of Two Gaming Giants

Since its launch, the PlayStation 5 has been in the spotlight, competing not only with rival consoles but also with its predecessor, the PlayStation 4. Both consoles have marked significant milestones in Sony's gaming history, but how do their sales figures stack up against each other? Let’s delve into the numbers and see how the PS5 fares compared to the PS4.

The Launch and Early Years

PlayStation 4 launched in November 2013 and quickly became a fan favorite, thanks to its robust game library, improved hardware, and focus on player-friendly features. By the end of its first fiscal year (FY2013), the PS4 had already sold 7.6 million units. In its early years, the PS4 continued to dominate, reaching over 20 million units by the end of FY2016.

PlayStation 5, which debuted in November 2020, faced a different set of challenges, including supply chain issues and chip shortages. Despite these hurdles, the PS5 managed to sell 7.8 million units by the end of its first fiscal year (FY2020), slightly surpassing the PS4’s initial performance.

Sales Growth Over Time

The PS4 saw steady growth in its first few years, with sales peaking in FY2016 when it sold 20 million units. By FY2017, the PS4 had sold a cumulative 19 million units for that fiscal year, and by FY2020, the console had achieved a lifetime sales total of over 117 million units.

In comparison, the PS5 has shown impressive sales momentum despite the challenges it faced. By April 30, 2024, the PS5 had sold over 56 million units. The PS5's annual sales peaked in FY2023, with 20.8 million units sold, outpacing the PS4's best fiscal year.

The Final Showdown: Current Sales

As of June 30, 2024, the PS5 has surpassed 61.7 million units sold worldwide, closing the gap with the PS4’s lifetime sales. Although the PS5 still has a way to go to reach the PS4's 117 million units, it's on a faster trajectory than its predecessor was at the same point in its lifecycle.

Software Sales: A Key Factor

Both consoles have benefited from strong software sales, but here, too, the PS5 has had an edge. By FY2023, PS5 and PS4 combined software sales reached 286.4 million units, with PS5 contributing a significant portion of that. The PS5's robust software library, enhanced with backward compatibility and exclusive titles, has driven higher engagement and sales.

Conclusion: The PS5 Is Poised to Overtake the PS4

In conclusion, while the PlayStation 4 set a high bar with its impressive sales figures, the PlayStation 5 is on track to surpass it. The PS5’s early success, despite the global supply challenges, speaks volumes about its appeal and Sony’s continued dominance in the gaming industry. If the current trend continues, the PS5 could potentially become Sony’s best-selling console yet.


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