Best BGMI Settings for Low-End Devices

Published: Thu, 18 Jul 2024 06:24:22 GMT

Best BGMI Settings for Low-End Devices

Alright, BGMI fans! If you're rocking a low-end device and want to squeeze every bit of performance out of it, this blog is for you. No more laggy gameplay or annoying frame drops. Let's dive into the best settings to make your BGMI experience smoother than ever.

Graphics Settings

First things first, head to the graphics settings. This is where the magic happens.

  1. Graphics Quality: Set it to Smooth. This is the lowest setting but trust me, it’s going to make your game run a lot smoother.
  2. Frame Rate: Keep it at Medium or Low. If your device can handle it without heating up too much, try Medium. Otherwise, Low is your best bet.
  3. Style: Classic or Colorful. These don’t really affect performance but pick the one you like.
  4. Anti-Aliasing: Turn it Off. Anti-aliasing smoothens edges but takes a toll on performance.
  5. Shadows: Disable this. Shadows can be a huge performance hog.

Sensitivity Settings

You want your controls to be snappy and responsive.

  1. Camera Sensitivity: Keep it between 100-120%. This makes looking around quicker.
  2. ADS Sensitivity: Around 70-80%. Helps in aiming faster without too much jitter.
  3. Gyroscope: If you use it, set it to High. It’s all about what feels comfortable.

Other Settings

A few more tweaks to get the best out of your device.

  1. Auto-Adjust Graphics: Enable this. It adjusts the graphics settings dynamically based on your device's performance.
  2. Brightness: Keep it around 120-150%. Too low and you might miss some details; too high and it can strain your eyes.
  3. Non-Standard Screens: Disable if you have a standard screen.

Additional Tips

  1. Close Background Apps: Make sure no other apps are running in the background. They can steal precious RAM and CPU.
  2. Clear Cache: Regularly clear your game’s cache to keep it running smooth.
  3. Disable Notifications: Turn off notifications to avoid sudden lags during intense gameplay.
  4. Update Device Software: Keep your device’s software up-to-date for the latest performance optimizations.


With these settings, your BGMI experience on a low-end device should be much improved. Remember, the key is to balance performance with visual quality. Don’t push your device too hard, or it might overheat and throttle performance.

Happy gaming, and may your chicken dinners be plenty! 🍗

Feel free to tweak these settings based on your personal experience and device performance. If you have any more tips or tricks, drop them in the comments below!

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